Saturday, August 16, 2014

Max Test Week

So this week I max tested all my lifts (except deadlift kinda). I was supposed to test last week but I was sick, so I pushed it to this week, which meant I wasn't really peaked right for it. I did another deload week last week. I didn't exactly hit the numbers I wanted, but with everything going on right now, that's ok. Plus I PRed my bench 2 weeks ago by accident....oops


I touched on this a little bit in a previous post, but my back started hurting again about a month ago, so I switched from sumo to conventional for a couple weeks. This is a 175 convo pull, which is the most I've ever pulled conventional. After this I went for 195, missed it, dropped down to 185, and pulled it about a foot off the ground but couldn't stand all the way up. That NEVER happens to me when I deadlift-usually if I break the floor it flies up. But, convo is different than sumo so it's looking like I'm going to have to work on my convo lockout. I'm much stronger pulling sumo, but I need to heal my back before I can get back into it. So frustrating!


5 lb PR on my squat! 190 lbs. This was my second attempt at it, I missed it the first time. Obviously it's super slow and ugly, but a PR is a PR! I know I have more in me when I'm peaked correctly, I want that 200 raw squat soooooo bad! Before I hit this, 180 went up super fast. Way easier than I expected it to. I haven't hit anything heavier than 175 since my meet, so I was happy with that. It took awhile for me to get over the 165 hump, and now I'm hitting 170-175 consistently. So I'm definitely proud of myself for that. Can't wait to get back into regular training and see how much stronger my squat gets!


Ok, so obviously not a PR, but I wanted to throw this in here anyways. I went for 105 after 100 flew off my chest, but I couldn't do it. According to my coach, a 5 lb jump on bench is a lot for someone my size, and I probably could have had 102.5 if I had plates for it. Again, I'm off a week so I wasn't peaked right, but I know I have this and more in me. I'm consistently hitting 95 and 100, after not being able to get over 95 for almost a year. And I count that as a win. I've never hit anything heavier than 85 in a competition, and I'm never letting that happen again.

So what's next for me? This coming week I'm going to do mostly dumbbell work and recover a little bit before starting my next program with John Gaglione. I was planning on competing in October in Ithaca like I always do, however after talking with him we decided it might be a good idea to wait until December to compete again. This is a really hard decision for me, because I LOVE competing in Ithaca. It's my absolute favorite meet. And I know my team will be competing. But, I'm moving 2 weeks from today (YIKES), and with all the changes that will be going on, it's going to be really hard for me to prepare for a meet. At least if I compete in December that gives me time to settle in and get used to everything without the added pressure of meet prep. I will probably still go to the Ithaca meet to support my team though!

Last thought here-I know I say this all. the. time. But, I need to acknowledge a couple people who have helped me these past few months. First, my coach John Gaglione for not only being my coach, but also my friend. He's so supportive of me and always there when I need to talk and I can't thank him enough for that. He's made me a much more confident lifter. And not to mention a much stronger lifter too! Second, thank you Zsquad and especially my good friend Joe for the support and motivation from a distance. I wish I could train with you all the time, but knowing I can come to you for help or advice whenever I need to means a lot to me. Lastly, everyone who's helped me in the gym with spotting or videoing or whatever-Mike, for pushing me this week and helping me test my lifts, and the crew at Anytime Fitness for all the help and support. I'll miss you guys when I move!!

Now it's time for me to spend the rest of my day packing aka figuring out what to do with all my crap. So fun!

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