Monday, October 27, 2014

6-Weeks Out Check-In

Ok, ok I know I've been slacking on updating this, I've just been SO busy doing fall activities and stressing out about my Halloween costume. Even though I haven't updated, I have not missed a workout in the past 6 weeks. I'm about halfway through my training for my next meet on December 6th. I wish I could say everything is going GREAT...but I would be lying. The past few weeks have been pretty tough and I've had a lot of ups and downs, which I'm attributing to adjusting to a brand new schedule, gym, job, and apartment. I hate using that as an excuse because I feel like its BS, but the truth is that stuff can affect you a lot more than you'd think. I also need to get my diet back on track and get more sleep. AKA....less drinking and going out and more IIFYM and sleeping. I have been having a lot of fun since I moved but it's time for me to calm down and focus on myself and getting ready for this meet. Let's go lift by lift:

This is one lift that has been fluctuating a lot. The first few weeks on this new program I felt like my squat went waaaay down. I didn't feel as strong as I used to and I stopped squatting heavy because I thought I couldn't. That was stupid. Very stupid. If you've followed this blog or know anything about me, you know that I train alone. I've been training a lot at work just because its convenient with my schedule, but that means there usually isn't anyone around to spot me. I was so scared of failing on a lift that I stopped trying. It wasn't until 2 weeks ago that I finally screwed my head back on straight, put up the safety bars, and put heavier weight back on the bar. And guess what? I didn't fail. I feel a lot better about my squat now. Last week I did 170x2, which is my 3RM. I'm testing my 3RM squat this week, so stay tuned for that. I'm going to really focus on my squat because I want to break 200 SO badly at the meet. And I know I can do it.
Current Meet PR: 175
Current Gym PR: 190
Meet Goal: 200-205
Things I'm working on: hitting consistent depth, not dropping lighter weights deep in the hole

The only lift that has stayed consistent since starting this program. I am consistently hitting 90 for reps, which is my 3RM. Again, I have the issue of not having a spotter so it has been hard to go heavier than that, but I'm testing my 3RM again this week and I know I can hit 95. I'm actually very excited to bench in a competition, which is rare because I hate benching! I feel like I have to redeem myself for the last meet I did, which ended in an 85 lb bench (so embarrassing). I'm finally training it correctly and sticking to a program that is obviously working for me.
Current Meet PR: 88
Current Gym PR: 100
Meet Goal: 105-110
Things I'm working on: pausing at the top so I don't miss the rack command, staying tight through the upper back

By far the worst of the three so far in this training cycle. My DL has gone from bad to good to very  bad. I've been having a lot of back problems again (actually seeing a chiro for the first time ever next week!), and its been killing  me mentally and obviously physically on deads. I was doing alright for a couple weeks, hitting near-maximal numbers on conventional deadlift then switching back to sumo. I actually pulled 190 for 1 the first week back into sumo. Since then I have been really inconsistent. I was supposed to do a max triple last week, which was 205 the last time I tested it. This time, I couldn't even get 185 off the floor ONCE. That was so frustrating because that should be an easy weight for me. But, I'm not going to dwell on it, I'm going to learn from it and move on. I can't focus on lifts I didn't make, I need to set my sights on lifts I CAN and WILL make.
Current Meet PR: 235
Current Gym PR: 225 (I rarely max test my DL because it hurts my back. I save it for the platform)
Meet Goal: 245-250
Things I'm working on: everything? Kidding. Staying tight in my lats and not yanking the bar up. Speed off the floor

So, safe to say I've been feeling very frustrated and defeated the past few weeks but I am trying very hard to keep focused and keep a positive attitude. I know that changing my diet and taking care of myself better will help a lot, I just need to do it!

Oh, and let's not talk about weight cut just yet. I'm dreading it. DREADING IT.

Stay STRONG and Stay FIERCE!!

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