Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Pancake Party

Going on day 2 of being snowed in and although yesterday I went a little stir crazy, today I am fully enjoying this time off. Monday night and yesterday we had 8 people in my apartment (with 1 bathroom!) and it got a little crazy! Today there's just 3 of us here, so I feel like I can finally relax! I spent the morning shoveling the driveway with my cousin, so that's my workout for today! Currently have a bag of ice on my back....can't wait to go back to the chiro!

Anyways....yesterday we made a breakfast buffet feast which included corn muffins, scrambled eggs, sausage with peppers and onions, bacon, and...protein pancakes! It was an amazing meal, everything was so good! And my protein pancakes were a hit with all my roomies and their boyfriends. Protein pancakes that are boyfriend approved?? I did good!! :) Now, I'm going to share my two favorite pancake recipes with you guys! I make pancakes at least once a week-they're that good and that easy. Plus, you can save them for other breakfasts throughout the week! I've saved them up to 3 days and they've tasted just as good, if not better heated up! 

Recipe 1: Classic Protein Pancakes

1 cup raw oats or oat flour (I use oat flour)
1-2 scoops protein powder (I use 2 scoops of EAS Whey vanilla protein)
3 egg whites (for fluffier pancakes, use the whole egg)
1/4 cup water
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon (I actually never measure the cinnamon, I just dump it in)
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
2 packets stevia

Mix all ingredients together and bake like regular pancakes. I use coconut oil on the pan instead of cooking spray. 

Recipe 2: Pumpkin Spice Protein Pancakes

1-2 scoops protein powder
1/2 cup pumpkin
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking powder
2 eggs whites
1/2 cup oats or oat flour
1/2 cup + 2 tbsp water
3-5 packs stevia (I use 3)

Mix all ingredients together until smooth and bake like regular pancakes! Again, I use coconut oil in the pan. For both pancakes, I use sugar free, low calorie syrup. Yum!

Here's a bonus pic of our breakfast spread from yesterday:

What are your favorite protein pancake recipes? I've been wanting to try the classic recipe with chocolate powder (sans cinnamon) and topped with protein peanut butter. I think that's going to be my next baking adventure!! Hope everyone stays warm today in the snow! Don't hurt yourselves shoveling!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Liked this idea of pancake party. Thanks for this post. We are thinking to host a fun party but not getting popular party venues within our budget and don’t want to host it in our home. Hoping to find a great venue soon.
