Thursday, February 27, 2014

Squat and Deadlift

Gonna lump everything together into one big post for this week so bear with  me...!

Squats Monday 2/24
10x45, 10x95, 8x115, 8x125, 5x135 (rep PR) (don't have video because I didn't think I could do it!)
Work sets
3 sets of 3x95 pause to a box

RFE Split Squats
Lat Pulldown

Leg Press
6x375, 16x285, 26x195, twice through

Hamstring Curl
8x40, 10x35, 12x30, twice through
Leg Extension
8x40, 10x35, 12x30, twice through

Hanging Leg Raises

15% incline, 1 min 3mph, 1 min 3.5 mph for 15 min

Deadlift Thursday 2/27
Trap Bar Deadlift
10x95, 10x115, 8x125, 5x135
Work Sets
3x155, 3 times
10x95, 5 times

Weighted Hip Thruster
TRX Inverted Row

Bentover Row

Hanging Leg Raises
Back Extension

15% incline, 1 min 3mph, 1 min 3.5 mph for 15 min

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Caitlyn Trout Female Powerlifting Seminar

This weekend I traveled down to Long Island to Gaglione Strength for a female-only powerlifting seminar with Caitlyn Trout. For those of you who don't know, Caitlyn is an All-Time World Record holder and one of the strongest women in the sport right now. She competed in Raw Unity a few weeks ago, ending with a 391 lb squat, 170 lb bench, and 385 lb deadlift, for a 946 lb world-record total in the 123 lb weight class. So, needless to say, I was pretty damn excited about getting to meet and learn from her!

Let me start out by saying, a year ago I would not have done something like this. I would have been way too intimidated about going to a place I'm not familiar with, meeting a whole bunch of new people, and lifting in front of one of the greatest female lifters. But I'm SO glad I went. I met so many new, strong, women, Caitlyn was so helpful and sweet, and I got to spend time with one of my friends I haven't seen in almost a year! It was so inspiring to be around other female lifters, and I can't wait to implement some of the things I learned. I have about 10 pages of notes, so I'm not going to go into detail here about everything I learned, but it was really nice to get advice from a WOMAN for once. After training and being coached by a man for 2 years, it was definitely good to hear what feedback she had. I think the biggest thing I took away from the seminar was that women truly do need different training and programming than men. Obviously, I already knew this, but for the past 2 years I've been following a program that was written by my coach and wasn't seeing any drastic results. Now I have a better idea of how to program for myself, and how to actually get results out of it.

Caitlyn talked about a lot of things. Like I already mentioned, she talked about the differences between male and female lifters, she talked about her own programming and even outlined it for us, mobility and stretching, her diet, how to prepare for a meet, her methods for cutting weight, what to expect on meet day, coaching, and more. My brain (and notebook) was filled with so much great information! After the seminar part of it, we got to lift. We did each lift with just light weights, getting feedback from Caitlyn and John Gaglione the whole time. It. Was. Awesome. I got a lot of great feedback on my squat, which I think is my worst lift technique-wise. She also had some good feedback on my bench and deadlift, and even said my bench set-up looked good! I was pretty thrilled about that! 

So, overall it was an amazing weekend and such a great learning experience for me. It was definitely worth the trip, and I can't wait to get back in the gym this week because I'm so inspired! Below is the link to Caitlyn's training blog, which I really recommend checking out.

Friday, February 21, 2014


I was jumping for joy when I saw this number on the scale this morning. 10 weeks out from my next meet and I'm already at weight. I'm determined to train at my competition weight for the next 10 weeks. I never have before, but I feel like I'll be way stronger come meet day. Plus it will be great to not have to cut weight because that's the worst! 

Disclaimer: the ONLY reason I focus on the number on the scale is because I participate in competitions that are based on weight classes. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday Deadlifts 2/20

Deadlift day has always been my favorite day. I was supposed to do bi's and tri's today too but I forgot...oops. I was so focused on my deadlift! haha anyways....I hit a rep PR which was awesome, because I wasn't really feeling that great going into it. I'm exhausted....I stay up ONE night to watch Jimmy Fallon and it messes me up for the entire week. -__-

95x10, 115x10, 135x8, 155x5, 185x3 (rep PR)
I wanted to go for 185x5, but I was losing my grip and the third one practically fell out of my hands and ripped them up. I left my chalk at home by accident! 
I was pretty gassed after that so I went right into my assistance work

Weighted Hip Lifts
Inverted Row

KB Swings
Single Arm DB Row
4x20x10 each

Hip Abduction
Hip Adduction

Pretty simple today. I usually do another 2-3 back exercises but as I said already...I was dead. Can't wait to rest up and hit it hard next week!

This weekend I'm doing something pretty cool-I'm driving down to Long Island to go to a Female Powerlifting Seminar hosted by Gaglione Strength and featuring all-time world record holder Caitlyn Trout! I'm so excited, I LOVE her. Cannot wait to meet her in person and get some great information and feedback! I'll definitely write a blog on Sunday to share some awesome info with you guys! I'll leave you with a video of my 185x3 deadlift. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Squats 2/18

Kind of a rough week training-wise. I worked 12 straight hours between 2 jobs on Monday, and had no time to get to the gym, so I did my squat workout Tuesday instead. Thursday I'll be doing deadlift with back, bi's and tri's. This is the third and final week I'll be taking off of bench, chest, and shoulders. I was having a lot of shoulder issues so I took a few weeks off to heal. I always superset with abs and I try to do cardio at least twice a week (I hate cardio...hate it hate it hate it). 

Squats-Tuesday 2/18
45x10, 75x8, 95x5, 125x5, 135x3
Work sets 
95x3 to a 12 inch box, 4 times
Leg Press
375x6, 285x16, 195x26, 2 times
Bulgarian Split Squat 
4x10 each, 15lb kettelbells in each hand 
Supersetted with hanging knees 
Hamstring Curl 
45x8, 40x10, 35x12, 3 times 
Supersetted with leg extension
45x8, 40x10, 35x12, 3 times
Hanging straight leg raise 
Supersetted with KB Windmill

Since I went before work, I only had about an hour and a half, so my workout was pretty much cut in half. Better some than none though! Below is a video of my heavy triple at 135. Enjoy! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Recent Struggles and How I've Overcome Them

As I mentioned in my intro post, I've been training on my own for about 6 months now. And it has not been easy. I've struggled a lot, especially recently, but I knew I had to push through it and just train.

Back in June, I uprooted from my family and friends in MA and moved to NJ (ew, I know, what was I thinking?!). I lasted about 6 months there, before I came right back to MA in December. Leaving Jersey was the right thing to do even though it was really hard for me. I made great friends there. I was working in a huge gym where I was surrounded by strong people who motivated me and helped me whenever I needed it. I went from that, to working in a Wellness center that doesn't even have a squat rack and only has 2 other employees besides me. Big change. And I did not adjust well.

I was having trouble finding a gym I was comfortable working out in. My new longer hours and commute via public transportation were killing me. I spent the first 3 weeks back home sick with the flu. I was heavier than I had ever been after Christmas. I was weak. I was soft. I had been running a rehab program since November and hadn't touched heavy weight since then. I almost gave up. I didn't think I could do this alone.

I'm not really sure what changed. I just woke up one morning and decided I wanted to be the strongest person I could possibly be. I wanted to look better, feel better, BE better. I changed my diet, I joined a gym, and I got right back into it. After only 4 weeks I was already seeing differences in my physique. I started to look better and eating clean made me feel so much  better. I had way more energy and I was able to make it to the gym after work. Now, I'm finally happy with the direction my training is heading. I fully plan on breaking some records at my next meet in April.

It does really suck not having anyone to train with, but that just means I'm competing against myself every time I go in the gym. I'm glad I didn't give up. Most people thought that the end of my relationship would mean the end of powerlifting for me, but I was NOT going to let that happen. This is what I love to do, and I'm not giving it up.

Trying This Out...

Welcome to my training log! Keeping a log of my training is something I used to do about a year ago, and I've decided to pick it back up. It keeps me accountable, and hopefully I can get some good feedback from you guys-my peers!

So, who am I and what is this going to be about?

My name is Chrissy Giorgetti, and I graduated from Ithaca College in 2012 with a degree in Clinical Exercise Science. I have since held jobs as a personal trainer and group ex teacher, and I currently am working as a fitness specialist at LifeStart Wellness Network in Boston, MA. I have been lifting for about 2.5 years, and I've been competing for a little over a year. I've done 4 meets so far; 2 USAPL meets and 2 IPA meets. My first meet I competed in the 105 weight class, but since then I've moved up into the 114 weight class.

For the past 6 months, I have been training almost 100% on my own. Before that, I was with a training partner/coach for 2 years. Long story short, we were dating, he got me into lifting, we broke up, and I've never looked back. I love powerlifting, and I love what its done not only to my body, but also to my self-confidence and strength! I train a tiny gym in Framingham, MA, but it works for me. I've never been the type of person who enjoyed going to the gym (weird, considering my major), so I  like that my gym is rarely crowded and no one really bothers me. 

Here are my current numbers:
Squat: 165
Bench: 95
Deadlift: 220
In a typical training week, I have a day for each lift, plus a day for front squats and a day for military press. One of my biggest issues has been with injury. I was a ballet dancer for 18 years, and it pretty much destroyed my body. I usually have to take a few months off after a meet to repair damage. Injuries include partially torn meniscus in my right knee (age 17) which led to IT band syndrome, arthritis in my low back (age 15), chronic achilles tendonitis (age 12+), and more recently, I've been having a lot of problems with my shoulders which I'm still trying to figure out. And as you can imagine, having a dance background, I have pretty bad pelvic tilt, and I'm extremely hyperflexible. Great for ballet, for powerlifting not so much. I never touched a barbell until I did fieldwork at Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning in Woburn, MA. And my entire time there I never put any weight on the bar. So learning how to powerlift, I started from the bottom....literally.

So what's this blog going to be all about? This is my training log. I will be posting my workouts, my diets, my feelings...pretty much anything I want. If you're looking for research articles you're in the wrong place! I still  have a passion for ballet and the arts, so you'll likely see stuff about that in here as well. I also hope this blog empowers other women to push their limits, try something new, and maybe surprise themselves with how strong they actually are. That's how it all started for me!

Oh and the name of my blog....anyone who knows me knows how much of a girly-girl I am. I love to shop, love to dress up, love anything sparkly, and love the color pink. My competition singlet is pink, my Oly shoes are purple, my belt is pink and I always wear a bow in my hair when I compete. So...the title Lifting Pretty is just an expression of me!