Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Squats 2/18

Kind of a rough week training-wise. I worked 12 straight hours between 2 jobs on Monday, and had no time to get to the gym, so I did my squat workout Tuesday instead. Thursday I'll be doing deadlift with back, bi's and tri's. This is the third and final week I'll be taking off of bench, chest, and shoulders. I was having a lot of shoulder issues so I took a few weeks off to heal. I always superset with abs and I try to do cardio at least twice a week (I hate cardio...hate it hate it hate it). 

Squats-Tuesday 2/18
45x10, 75x8, 95x5, 125x5, 135x3
Work sets 
95x3 to a 12 inch box, 4 times
Leg Press
375x6, 285x16, 195x26, 2 times
Bulgarian Split Squat 
4x10 each, 15lb kettelbells in each hand 
Supersetted with hanging knees 
Hamstring Curl 
45x8, 40x10, 35x12, 3 times 
Supersetted with leg extension
45x8, 40x10, 35x12, 3 times
Hanging straight leg raise 
Supersetted with KB Windmill

Since I went before work, I only had about an hour and a half, so my workout was pretty much cut in half. Better some than none though! Below is a video of my heavy triple at 135. Enjoy! 

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