Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday Deadlifts 2/20

Deadlift day has always been my favorite day. I was supposed to do bi's and tri's today too but I forgot...oops. I was so focused on my deadlift! haha anyways....I hit a rep PR which was awesome, because I wasn't really feeling that great going into it. I'm exhausted....I stay up ONE night to watch Jimmy Fallon and it messes me up for the entire week. -__-

95x10, 115x10, 135x8, 155x5, 185x3 (rep PR)
I wanted to go for 185x5, but I was losing my grip and the third one practically fell out of my hands and ripped them up. I left my chalk at home by accident! 
I was pretty gassed after that so I went right into my assistance work

Weighted Hip Lifts
Inverted Row

KB Swings
Single Arm DB Row
4x20x10 each

Hip Abduction
Hip Adduction

Pretty simple today. I usually do another 2-3 back exercises but as I said already...I was dead. Can't wait to rest up and hit it hard next week!

This weekend I'm doing something pretty cool-I'm driving down to Long Island to go to a Female Powerlifting Seminar hosted by Gaglione Strength and featuring all-time world record holder Caitlyn Trout! I'm so excited, I LOVE her. Cannot wait to meet her in person and get some great information and feedback! I'll definitely write a blog on Sunday to share some awesome info with you guys! I'll leave you with a video of my 185x3 deadlift. Enjoy!

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