Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Deadlifts 4/7

So since my week was a little messed up last week, I didn't have a chance to deadlift. I deadlifted on Monday of this week instead. I'll be squatting Thursday and benching Saturday, then it's back to normal workouts for me. Only a few weeks left until the meet!

So I decided that from now until the meet I'm only going to be working with single reps. I only have to lift it once on the platform, so that's what I'm going to do in the gym. I started this workout with the idea in my head that I wanted to at least go up to 200. I haven't touched anything over 185 since October for deadlifts, and I probably should before attempting it at the meet. My current dead PR is 220, and I'm hoping to hit 235+ at the meet. I warmed up with m y usual wamr-up and the breathing exercises I learned over the weekend. And I was able to go up to 215! I didn't feel any severe back pain until 195. Usually I start feeling it after 135. So I was feeling pretty good about this workout!

10x95, 5x135, 1x155, 1x175, 1x195, 1x205, 1x215
Conventional Deadlift

Weighted Hip Thruster
Lat Pulldown

KB Swings

Hip Circle
3x5, 10 second holds
Back Extension
Dead Bug

Here's a video of 215:

Definitely slow, but I can definitely go heavier.

Another thing I'm doing until the meet is keeping my numbers written on my wrist. Everyone knows how much I always preach about the mental aspect of lifting, but this will force me to have those numbers in mind and force me to imagine myself hitting them. So if you see me over the next few weeks and I have these numbers on my wrist that's why!

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