Monday, April 21, 2014

Last Heavy Week

So last week was my last heavy week before deloading this week. I actually hit some big numbers which I was super excited about! My workouts just consisted of the lift-I did zero accessory work this week. Focused on getting the movement patterns right and getting my muscles used to it. Here were my numbers:

45x5, 95x3, 115x1, 135x1, 155x1, 175x1

95x5, 135x2, 155x1, 175x1, 195x1, 215x1, 225x1 (PR)

45x5, 65x2, 75x1, 85x1, 90x1

Planned attempts are:
Squat: 165-185-200
Bench: 85-95-105
Deadlift: 215-225-240

Obviously, those could change depending on what happens and how I'm feeling come meet day. I do feel pretty good about everything, probably the best I've ever felt going into a deload week. This week I'm planning on hitting squat and bench openers either today or tomorrow, then doing a quick and dirty plyo workout Wednesday to prime my CNS. I drive up to Ithaca Thursday afternoon, and weigh-in Friday! Weight was 115.2 this morning, so I should be ok. I'm carb depleting this week just to make sure I get down to 114 or less (I like to have a little wiggle room). Easter was tough yesterday, I couldn't really indulge in any desserts or candy and if you know my family, you know how hard it was for me! But missing out on a few cookies and cakes is absolutely worth it.

Below is a video of my 175 squat. I'll be writing a pre-meet reflection this week so look out for that!

So there was no one around to spot me for I just said, fuck it, I'll try it anyways. Yes, I got stuck, but I HAD to keep pushing through it and stand back up. And I'm so proud of myself for doing that! Learning to push through that sticking point has been hard for me! Working hard every day!

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