Monday, June 23, 2014

Week of 6/16

Alright so last week was crazy busy and I never had a chance to all three workouts will be in one huge post! Bear with me :)

Monday Deadlifts
Still working in opposite stance, I had 5x5 for deads today. My back was pretty sore from the weekend (that bootcamp, man), so I didn't go very heavy. My deadlifts were:

Opposite Stance Deadlift (conventional)
145x5, 155x5, 155x5, 145x5, 135x5

Still working on form here, my hips shoot up a lot when I start to pull. John has been on my case about my set-up as well-he hates it! He says I need to be more aggressive, and that I sit too long at the bottom before I pull. Definitely something I'm trying to work on, but bad habits are hard to break. I also don't tend to be an aggressive lifter in general, so that's hard for me to channel. Also working on keeping my lats tight throughout the lift, he says they loosen upright before I pull. A lot of people set their lats before they drop down to lift by opening their arms out to the side-I've never found that this helps me. I do this weird thing where I almost wring the bar like you would wring out a wet towel right before I pull, and that helps me engage my lats. Whatever works, right?

Thursday Squats
I was working speed squats today. I did 8x2 at lighter weights, then 2 heavy singles for speed. My progression was as follows:

Speed Squats
4 sets 115x2, 4 sets 125x2, 145x1, 155x1
Speed squats are fun for me. I know I was way below depth, that's my biggest issue with squats. Since I'm so flexible from all those years of ballet, I sometimes feel like I have no control over my body! I just drop all the way down, and stand back up. Boom, like it's nothing. Obviously this isn't good when I start getting heavier, because if I go too low, I sometimes can't get back up. Working on being more controlled and staying tight in my squats. I'm really happy with my 155x1 for speed, though. Less than I year I was struggling to get over the 155 bump, and now I'm doing it for speed. Feels so good!
Friday Bench
I feel like this was my best workout of the week. I really did work today! I was doing floor press and board bench. I had a 3RM floor press followed by an AMAP floor press, followed by 3x5 on board bench. Here's my workout:
Floor Press
3RM-80 lbs
AMAP- 75x16
2 board bench
75x5, 85x5, 90x5
So just one month ago, I did this same weight for floor press AMAP, and got 12 reps. This week I got 16, and that was after I was struggling with 75 last week! I have to be honest I have no idea where that came from. I did my 3RM set at 80, and the last one was a grinder. I wasn't feeling great. I actually almost did 70 instead of 75 for my AMAP set, but I did 75 a month ago and I wanted to stay consistent. Then I repped out 16! I was pumped! That fueled me for board bench. I'm really happy with 90x5, considering I missed 95 on the platform twice. I think I probably could have gone for 95, but at this point my arms/triceps/pecs were shot. But I'm still super happy about what I did!

So that completes week 2 of the second month. 6 weeks down, 6 to go! Today marks the start of my second half! Pretty pumped with what I've accomplished so far, and I also think this is the longest I've ever gone without missing a workout, so proud of myself for that. Having to report back to someone really keeps you accountable! Things start to change up a little this week, so can't wait to get started. Fully plan on attacking these next 6 weeks hard! Excited to see where I'll be at the end of it!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Perform Better Functional Training Summit Recap

I spent this weekend at yet another conference-the Perform Better 3-day Functional Training Summit. This is an event I've wanted to go to the past few years, but I never had the ability to because of work. My boss asked me a few months back if I would want to go with her, and of course I said yes! So we spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday soaking up so much information and we had a great (but exhausting) time! We went to a combination of 5 lectures and hands-on seminars each day (except Sunday, there were only 3 that day).

One of the speakers I was most excited for was Gray Cook. Cook's methods have always had a big impact on my personal personal training, as well as how I train clients. I've read a lot of the stuff he's published, and I am a big fan of the Functional Movement Screen. On Friday, he was giving a lecture and a hands-on session called "The Best Functional Exercises in the World". We attended both. It was so awesome finally getting to hear him speak and coach us through his favorite functional exercises. I already do most of them, but it was great to hear how he cues and explains everything. He was one of my favorites of the weekend, and that was only the first day! Friday we also attended Stu McGill's hands -on and lecture about back pain. We learned some great rehab techniques in the hands-on portion. The other lecture we attended that day was Thomas Meyers' "Training Fascia" ... it was a little hard to sit through, but he gave us some good information. Friday night was a complimentary social. We only stayed for a short time because we were so tired, but I talked to Stu McGill a little, which was cool. I wanted to introduce myself to Gray Cook, but he was surrounded by people, of course, so I never got a chance! :(

Saturday morning, we thought we were going into a hands-on that was going to be about small group training, but we ended up in the wrong room and got stuck in one called "Extraordinary Self" which ended up being an intense boot-camp style workout.....which we were NOT prepared for at 8am! It was led by Todd Durkin, and I have to say, his energy was absolutely insane. It definitely woke us up! The workout wasn't anything revolutionary-circuit style with TRX, med-ball, body-weight, kettlebell, swiss ball, and speed stations. He had us partner up so that we each had a personal motivator. What we took away from it was how to motivate clients and how to coach, which I think was what he was trying to get across. Needless to say, it was an exciting start to the day! After that we attended a lecture by Alwyn Cosgrove that was about the next fitness blueprint and how to move forward in the future. We got a lot of great information there, and he was one of my favorites of the day! After that we did Eric Cressey's hands on about scapular control, a lecture by Martin Rooney about small group training and motivation techniques, and a hands-on called "I Lift Heavy Things and I Put Them Down", which was not what I thought it would be, but still got some good info from it.

I think Sunday was my favorite day. There were only three sessions, but I felt like this is the day I learned the most. Our first session was a hands-on about optimizing the pre-lifting routine. It was all foam rolling, stretching, and soft tissue techniques, most of which I already do, but it was cool to get coached on it and hear how to do that. Plus it was great to spend the first session loosening up, because I was pretty sore from that bootcamp session from Saturday! Also we got to use Vibra Rolls-which is a vibrating foam roller and yes it changed my life. I wish they weren't so expensive because I want one so bad! After that we did the lecture and hands-on for Todd Wright's "3-Dimesional Functional Core Training". We got SO much great info at these. He taught us core training techniques that I had never seen before, and that I certainly would not have thought up myself. It was GREAT.

Moving forward, Alyssa and I are very excited to implement what we learned at LifeStart. We're planning on running a bunch of new classes and we're ready to take our gym to the next level. On a more personal note, this summit really opened my eyes up to how much I still have to learn. I've only been in this field for around 3 years, and I read a lot, but I would like to go to more things like this. Summits and conferences are expensive, but the amount I learned makes it invaluable to me. It's so important to invest in knowledge in this field-especially because things are always changing and there's always new information! Plus it's great to hear from people who are considered elite in the field of fitness. Like I said, just seeing Gray Cook speak twice was definitely worth what I paid for! I think what I want to do next is get certified in the Functional Movement Screen. There's a course in September, so I'll need to start saving up for that now!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Start of the New Month

So I'm moving into week 5 now, the start of the second month (of three). So far this week I've done the deadlift and squat workout, and they are definitely harder than last month! I left the gym this morning with m y legs shaking! And forget about walking up the stairs in South Station on my way to work after...I took the escalator! (shh don't tell anyone...) Anyways here are my main lifts for both deadlift and squat:

Opposite Stance Deadlift (conventional for me): 8x3 speed
125x3, 135x3, 145x3, 155x3, 165x3, 155x3, 145x3, 135x3

So I was working in my opposite stance for deadlifts this week, which I was not loking forward to. I switched from conventional to sumo about a year and a half ago because conventional was hurting my back A LOT. I wasn't able to pull anything higher than 135! The day I switched to sumo, i ended up pulling 165 and I never looked back. So, I went into this not knowing what I would be able to do. I actually wasn't even planning on going up as high as I did, but I felt back didn't hurt at all! I was shocked! I definitely struggled on my set of 165, that's probaly as high as I can go right now. My back wasn't sore the next day either. So not really sure what that means. I think I'll probably still stick to sumo because I'm definitely stronger there as of now, but I would like to continue working on my conventional and see what happens.

And here are today's squats:

5RM Squat:
warmed up with 45x5, 85x3, 120x3, 140x1, 150x1

Front Squats
85x8, 95x8, 95x8, 75x8

I think I could have gone 155 for my 5RM squat, but I was feeling shaky so I stuck with 150. I had to got o the gym in the morning before work again this week, and I am not a morning gym person at all...I think that may have hurt me a little bit here. But 150 for 5 is still great for me so I'll take it. I was also happy that I hit depth on every single one. That's something I;ve struggled with in the past and I think I finally have gotten used to the shoes and knowing where my depth is in them.

So I'm benching tomorrow and that will finish up my first week of the second month! So far I'm feeling great...just very sore! This weekend I'm headed to Providence, RI for the Perform Better Fitness and Training Summit. It's all day Friday, Saturday, and a half day Sunday. I'm really looking forward to it! I can't wait to learn from some of the best in the industry (Eric Cressey, Mike Boyle, Gray Cook, Bill Parisi, and Lee Burton are just some of the people who will be speaking!) and also go through some hands-on sessions which should be awesome! I'll recap at the end of the weekend!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Squat and Bench-First Month Done!

WOO I officially finished my first month of my Gaglione Strength program! I am feeling phenom, but we'll get to that later...

Squat and bench workouts this week went really well. Weight was moderate for each-just about 60% of my max squat and about 65% of my max bench. Working with light weights is hard for me because I like lifting heavy, but I know this will pay off in the long run. Here are my workouts:

Beltless Pause Squat (3 ct)
95x2, 105x2, 110x2, 115x2, 110x2, 110x2, 105x2, 95x2

Stiff Leg Deads (Sumo Stance)
95x12, 115x12

SB Leg Curl
Side Plank

Circle Side Steps
Dead Bugs

Backwards Sled

Long Pause Bench
45x3, 55x3, 65x3, 65x3, 75x3, 65x3, 65x3, 55x3, 45x3

Incline Press
Pull-ups 2 each set
DB Front/Side Raise

Battle Ropes

So, as I mentioned above I have been feeling GREAT on this new program. My back isn't in constant, dull pain like it was before and I haven't had any problems with my shoulders or knees. I've done things I've never been able to do unassisted pull-ups for the first time EVER! I feel so much stronger, especially in my upper body and back. I really think the low volume was a good idea. I have more recovery time and I'm not beating myself up as much in the gym. I'm used to doing a whole list of accessory work for each I only do 2 supersets for a total of 4 exercises. At first I was skeptical, and thought it would feel like I wasn't doing anything, but I have been pleasantly surprised. I leave the gym every time feeling like I had a great workout. I'm able to push myself a little more because I'm "doing less". All my doubts are gone now-I'm certain the decision to work with John was the best decision I could have made for my training. If I feel this good after just 4 weeks, I can't wait to see where I'll be in another 2 months! My coach has definitely earned himself a client for life!

Check him out at
Instagram: @gagli1strength
Twitter: @gagli1strength

You can also follow me at @cahrissay for both twitter and instagram!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Deadlifts 6/2

It's my last week of the first month of my Gaglione Strength program! So far so good! Yesterday's deadlift workout called for halting deadlifts again, 10 sets of singles working up to 70% of my max. My max is 235 so that puts me at 170 for this workout. I was worried about this because last week these deadlifts really bothered my back and I only worked up to 145. But I was able to do all of them, and even hit 170 twice. I am definitely paying for it today, my back is pretty sore, but I'm glad I was able to get through it yesterday. Workout was:

Halting Deadlift:
135x1, 145x1, 155x1, 165x1, 170x1, 170x1, 165x1, 155x1, 145x1, 135x1

Seated DB Overhead Press
Flexed Arm Hang

Barbell Glute Bridge
125x15, 135x15
Bottom Up Push-Up 2xAMAP
one set of 20, one set of 15

KB Suitcase Hold
Halting deadlifts have easily become my least favorite exercise, but I know I need to do them. Still need to work on being "aggressive" and keeping my lats engaged as I set-up and begin the deadlift. Also my butt shot up with the heavier weights so I have to watch out for that as well.  I'm not an aggressive lifter, so that's going to be a challenge for me!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Upper Body Bench Day

So I had a pretty crazy (but FUN) weekend, and didn't end up getting my upper body workout in until Sunday. I've been doing floor presses instead of bench presses for the past two weeks, but I was back on the bench this week for long-paused benches. I was literally the only person in the gym on Sunday, which meant there was no one there who could spot me, which is why I only worked up to 75 (now accepting applications for a training partner...). Anyways, here's the workout from yesterday:
Long Pause Bench
55x3, 65x3, 75x3, 65x3, 55x3

Incline Press
4x6 w/ one green band

DB Front/Side Raise

Battle Ropes
Continuing to work on that arch and leg drive. I actually felt pretty strong through all of these, and my back didn't hurt NEARLY as much as it has in the past. Hopefully that means I'm getting stronger! The other thing that I've noticed is that my shoulder pain has been pretty much non-existent throughout this whole program which I'm thrilled about. I guess my shoulders really did just need to get stronger. Counting down the days until I can attempt 100.....