Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Deadlifts 6/2

It's my last week of the first month of my Gaglione Strength program! So far so good! Yesterday's deadlift workout called for halting deadlifts again, 10 sets of singles working up to 70% of my max. My max is 235 so that puts me at 170 for this workout. I was worried about this because last week these deadlifts really bothered my back and I only worked up to 145. But I was able to do all of them, and even hit 170 twice. I am definitely paying for it today, my back is pretty sore, but I'm glad I was able to get through it yesterday. Workout was:

Halting Deadlift:
135x1, 145x1, 155x1, 165x1, 170x1, 170x1, 165x1, 155x1, 145x1, 135x1

Seated DB Overhead Press
Flexed Arm Hang

Barbell Glute Bridge
125x15, 135x15
Bottom Up Push-Up 2xAMAP
one set of 20, one set of 15

KB Suitcase Hold
Halting deadlifts have easily become my least favorite exercise, but I know I need to do them. Still need to work on being "aggressive" and keeping my lats engaged as I set-up and begin the deadlift. Also my butt shot up with the heavier weights so I have to watch out for that as well.  I'm not an aggressive lifter, so that's going to be a challenge for me!

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