Monday, June 2, 2014

Upper Body Bench Day

So I had a pretty crazy (but FUN) weekend, and didn't end up getting my upper body workout in until Sunday. I've been doing floor presses instead of bench presses for the past two weeks, but I was back on the bench this week for long-paused benches. I was literally the only person in the gym on Sunday, which meant there was no one there who could spot me, which is why I only worked up to 75 (now accepting applications for a training partner...). Anyways, here's the workout from yesterday:
Long Pause Bench
55x3, 65x3, 75x3, 65x3, 55x3

Incline Press
4x6 w/ one green band

DB Front/Side Raise

Battle Ropes
Continuing to work on that arch and leg drive. I actually felt pretty strong through all of these, and my back didn't hurt NEARLY as much as it has in the past. Hopefully that means I'm getting stronger! The other thing that I've noticed is that my shoulder pain has been pretty much non-existent throughout this whole program which I'm thrilled about. I guess my shoulders really did just need to get stronger. Counting down the days until I can attempt 100.....

1 comment:

  1. It's great to know your shoulder pains go away when you do this workout. Just take care on not to stress your shoulder out when you're exercising, as that could negate the progress that you've done. Btw, do you have a specialized diet to help supplement your body? It might help speed up the recovery time. Take care!

    Jarrett Ransom @
