Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Start of the New Month

So I'm moving into week 5 now, the start of the second month (of three). So far this week I've done the deadlift and squat workout, and they are definitely harder than last month! I left the gym this morning with m y legs shaking! And forget about walking up the stairs in South Station on my way to work after...I took the escalator! (shh don't tell anyone...) Anyways here are my main lifts for both deadlift and squat:

Opposite Stance Deadlift (conventional for me): 8x3 speed
125x3, 135x3, 145x3, 155x3, 165x3, 155x3, 145x3, 135x3

So I was working in my opposite stance for deadlifts this week, which I was not loking forward to. I switched from conventional to sumo about a year and a half ago because conventional was hurting my back A LOT. I wasn't able to pull anything higher than 135! The day I switched to sumo, i ended up pulling 165 and I never looked back. So, I went into this not knowing what I would be able to do. I actually wasn't even planning on going up as high as I did, but I felt back didn't hurt at all! I was shocked! I definitely struggled on my set of 165, that's probaly as high as I can go right now. My back wasn't sore the next day either. So not really sure what that means. I think I'll probably still stick to sumo because I'm definitely stronger there as of now, but I would like to continue working on my conventional and see what happens.

And here are today's squats:

5RM Squat:
warmed up with 45x5, 85x3, 120x3, 140x1, 150x1

Front Squats
85x8, 95x8, 95x8, 75x8

I think I could have gone 155 for my 5RM squat, but I was feeling shaky so I stuck with 150. I had to got o the gym in the morning before work again this week, and I am not a morning gym person at all...I think that may have hurt me a little bit here. But 150 for 5 is still great for me so I'll take it. I was also happy that I hit depth on every single one. That's something I;ve struggled with in the past and I think I finally have gotten used to the shoes and knowing where my depth is in them.

So I'm benching tomorrow and that will finish up my first week of the second month! So far I'm feeling great...just very sore! This weekend I'm headed to Providence, RI for the Perform Better Fitness and Training Summit. It's all day Friday, Saturday, and a half day Sunday. I'm really looking forward to it! I can't wait to learn from some of the best in the industry (Eric Cressey, Mike Boyle, Gray Cook, Bill Parisi, and Lee Burton are just some of the people who will be speaking!) and also go through some hands-on sessions which should be awesome! I'll recap at the end of the weekend!

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