Friday, September 26, 2014

Bootcamp Workout Week of 9/22

This workout is designed to test your willpower! Mind over matter ladies and gents!

5 minute plank
If you drop or lose form, perform 10 burpees then get back into the plank for the remaining time. If you drop again, 20 burpees. So on and so forth (+10 every time you fail)

5 minute wall-sit
If you drop or lose form, perform 20 mountain climbers then get back into the wall-sit for the remaining time. If you drop again, 40 mountain climbers. So on and so forth (+20 every time you fail)

5 minute side plank-right side
If you drop or lose form, perform 5 star jumps then get back into the side plank for the remaining time. If you drop again, 10 star jumps. So on and so forth (+5 every time you fail)

5 minute plate hold (arms outstretched in front of you, holding a plate)
If you drop or lose form, perform 20 jumping jacks then get back into the plate hold for the remaining time. If you drop again, 40 jumping jacks. So on and so forth (+20 every time you fail)

5 minute side plank-left side
If you drop or lose form, perform 10 speed skaters then get back into the side plank for the remaining time. If you drop again, 20 speed skaters. So on and so forth (+10 every time you fail)

Repeat the above workout twice through.

If you HATE cardio, make sure you don't have to do any simply by holding each position for 5 minutes. I say simply....this workout is far from simple! Don't forget to breathe and don't think about the time!

Leave a comment if you try this!

Stay STRONG and Stay FIERCE!!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Week of 9/15 Bootcamp Workout

For this workout you'll need heavy weights and a mat! You're going to go directly from one exercise to the next, and rest at the end. Workout is as follows:

*Squat to Overhead Press-15 reps
Burpees-12 reps
*Reverse Lunges Alternating-20 reps
Jumping Jax-50 reps
*Bentover Rows-15 reps
Burpees-12 reps
Push-ups-25 reps
Jumping Jax-50 reps
Plank Hold-1 minute
*=use your weights!

Repeat this circuit three times, resting 2 minutes between each time. REMEMBER!!!! It's not a race! Take your time and do each rep with perfect form!

Leave a comment if you try this workout! :)

Stay STRONG and Stay FIERCE!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Clash for Cash Meet Prep First Weeks

In my previous post, I mentioned that I signed up for my next meet. I will be competing in Gaglione Strength's Clash for Cash on December 6! I can't wait for this meet, I think it'll be really good. Plus it'll be great to have my coach there handling me and all that stuff. I've never had that before, so it'll be interesting to see how its different. I've already started my prep for this meet, even though its far off. The program Gags started me on 2 weeks ago will peak me for the meet, so it's perfect. I kinda messed up a little bit the first 2 weeks and did the wrong workouts, but now I'm back on track and so far feeling great.

I started in week 3 of the program, so last week (week 4) was technically a deload week. Which actually worked out well because I was pretty tired and sore from moving over the weekend. My 3 main lifts were halting conventional deadlift, pause squat, and long-pause bench. Everything went well, but I'm still adjusting to lifting in a new space so I don't actually have any bench videos. And I'm still trying to figure out the best way to rig up something so I can video my squats and deadlifts, so sorry for the bad camera angles on the videos below!

For deadlifts, I only worked up to 145. My back was killing me after the move, so I decided to not kill myself with deadlifts last week. I also did the wrong workout, because I got confused lol OOPS. So I ended up going 5x5 when it was actually supposed to be a deload with 6x3.
I went: 95x5, 125x5, 135x5, 145x5, 125x5 (lifting with bumper plates is AWESOME, btw)
Here is the video of my top set:

As you can see my hand goes right to my back after this set, which I did subconsciously, but halting deadlifts do put more pressure on it. I was sore for a few days after this but nothing crazy.

Squats were 8x2 paused. I was still confused and thought they were supposed to be beltless, so I didn't bring my belt to the gym (that shit gets heavy when you have to walk 25 min, okay?). So I ended up working up to 140lbs, which was as high as I felt comfortable going without a belt. Which is actually I think also the heaviest I've ever gone without a belt. All in all pretty smooth workout. I was feeling weak from not squatting in a week, but once I got back into I was fine.
I went: 105x2, 115x2, 125x2, 135x2, 140x2, 135x2, 125x2, 115x2
Here's the video of the top set:

And bench. This was 9x3 long-pause (5ct) bench. Like I mentioned above, I don't have any videos because I couldn't figure out how to set it up and I was there alone. I'm not comfortable enough in the gym to ask anyone to video me yet....
Sets were: 45x3, 55x3, 60x3, 65x3, 75x3, 65x3, 60x3, 55x3, 45x3
Again, I was alone so I only felt comfortable going up to 75. Hopefully once I get used to this new gym I'll stop being so shy and ask someone for help! I hate doing that though, its so awkward. And also no one knows how to spot correctly...

So this week I jump back into full workouts (not deloads)! See my instagram page (@cahrissay) for videos if you can't wait till next week for my weekly update!

Also I wanted to congratulate the newest 1st Phorm athlete Twayne Russell! Such a great choice and so well-deserved. Check out his video on their facebook page! It's an awesome video, that makes me really proud to be representing them (and makes me want to win even more!) Next winner is announced October 6th! Keep your fingers crossed for me!!

Stay STRONG and Stay FIERCE!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Week of 9/8 Bootcamp Workout

As promised, I'll be posting one workout a week for anyone that wants to do it.

This week is a total-body cardio strength workout. You'll need a mat for floor work and ONE heavy weight. This is mainly a bodyweight workout-you only need the weight for one exercise at the end!

REMEMBER: Form over time! I don't care how long it takes you, make every rep perfect!

Air squats
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Jumping Jax
Easy jog in place
30 seconds each, 2x

Circuit 1:
50 air squats
40 push-ups
30 sec plank
20 dips
10 side lunges EACH SIDE

Circuit 2:
50 mountain climbers
40 reverse lunges EACH SIDE
30 burpees
20 high knees
10 inchworms

Circuit 3:
50 bicycle crunches
40 superman flies
30 jump squats
20 tricep push-ups
10 donkey kicks EACH SIDE

Circuit 4:
50 alternating lunge jumps (25 each side)
40 pliƩ squats to calf raise
30 v-sit in and outs
20 single-leg deadlifts EACH SIDE (use your weight here)
10 clam shell side planks EACH SIDE

Cool down with stretching

Leave a comment if you try it!!

Stay STRONG and Stay FIERCE!

Monday, September 8, 2014

New Apartment, New Job, New Gym....phew!

So it's been a few weeks since I've given an update....but only because I've been SO incredibly busy! So many changes have happened in the past few weeks that have left my head spinning, but I'm finally settling in and things are calming down. After my max test week, I did a recovery week and signed up for my next meet! I'll be competing at my coach John Gaglione's next meet on December 6th, 2014. I'm so excited for this and I can't wait to get back on the platform! I have about 14 weeks to go and I've already started my new program! The first few weeks have been a little rough-between moving and finding a new place to lift and starting a new job, I barely had time to fit it in (but I still did!)

Oh yeah-I moved! I finally have my first Boston apartment! Well, technically its in Somerville, but still. It was a really big step for me to move closer to the city. Not only am I living with 3 great girls, but my commute has been cut in half! It's so nice! We moved over Labor Day Weekend and I have been loving it. I love having my own space, I love being so close to the city, and my apartment is just great! I don't have a car anymore, so that was a big adjustment, having to either walk or take public transportation everywhere, but I think I've adjusted well and now I love it. Probably won't feel the same way in the winter buuuuut...we'll cross that bridge when I get there. I get to walk through Harvard Yard every day on my way to the train. Harvard is a beautiful campus plus it looks JUST like Hogwarts. So I can pretend I'm a wizard every day. It's awesome.

Another big change is my new job! I accepted a full-time Fitness Specialist position with FitCorp and today is my first day! FitCorp is another corporate health and wellness company, so I'm actually working in the new State Street Bank building. It's very similar to the job I held with LifeStart, but it's full-time. I was working part-time at LS, so it was really important to me to get the full-time title, especially with moving and having actual bills to pay. LS couldn't offer it to me, so I had to look elsewhere. I'm so glad I found this opportunity and I'm so grateful that the position was offered to me! I'm excited to dive right in and get started! It's located in South Boston, kind of near the Seaport, so my commute didn't really have to change at all. Just have to go one more T stop past South Station :) I can't wait to see what this position has to offer, and I'm up to the challenge of a brand-new facility (it's only been open since June!).

And the last big change-finding a new place to lift. Obviously the most important thing. There is a squat rack at my new job, which I will probably use a few times a week, but last week while I was still at LS, I had to find a place to lift. To my disappointment, all the gyms within walking distance to my apartment only had smith machines and no actual racks. I was getting so frustrated! I did look at a beautiful facility that had Olympic platforms, turf, ropes, and everything that was a block away from my place. The problem? It's a private training facility. Small group training, classes, and personal training only. No open gym. I was heartbroken! It was so nice! So what I ended up doing was joining BSC in Central Square. It's one stop away from Harvard, which is where I get off to go home, so it will be easy to just stop there on my way home. There's also a bus that picks up a block away from me and goes right to Central Square, so that's also really easy. I would have liked it to be a little closer, but I can't be picky. The plus side? FitCorp is owned by BSC, so I have a free membership. Awesome!

So those are my excuses for not  updating in awhile. Later on today when I get home I will post about my workouts last week. Another new thing I'll be adding to this blog is a weekly workout for anyone that wants to do a total-body boot-camp style workout. This was specially requested by my LifeStart girls, and I don't want to let them down! I'll try to get this workout up mid-week, hopefully Wednesday or Thursday! So be on the look-out for that! Other than that, my workouts will go up each week as usual, along with any training, diet, or life updates I feel like sharing :)

Stay STRONG and stay FIERCE!