Friday, September 26, 2014

Bootcamp Workout Week of 9/22

This workout is designed to test your willpower! Mind over matter ladies and gents!

5 minute plank
If you drop or lose form, perform 10 burpees then get back into the plank for the remaining time. If you drop again, 20 burpees. So on and so forth (+10 every time you fail)

5 minute wall-sit
If you drop or lose form, perform 20 mountain climbers then get back into the wall-sit for the remaining time. If you drop again, 40 mountain climbers. So on and so forth (+20 every time you fail)

5 minute side plank-right side
If you drop or lose form, perform 5 star jumps then get back into the side plank for the remaining time. If you drop again, 10 star jumps. So on and so forth (+5 every time you fail)

5 minute plate hold (arms outstretched in front of you, holding a plate)
If you drop or lose form, perform 20 jumping jacks then get back into the plate hold for the remaining time. If you drop again, 40 jumping jacks. So on and so forth (+20 every time you fail)

5 minute side plank-left side
If you drop or lose form, perform 10 speed skaters then get back into the side plank for the remaining time. If you drop again, 20 speed skaters. So on and so forth (+10 every time you fail)

Repeat the above workout twice through.

If you HATE cardio, make sure you don't have to do any simply by holding each position for 5 minutes. I say simply....this workout is far from simple! Don't forget to breathe and don't think about the time!

Leave a comment if you try this!

Stay STRONG and Stay FIERCE!!

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