Thursday, September 11, 2014

Week of 9/8 Bootcamp Workout

As promised, I'll be posting one workout a week for anyone that wants to do it.

This week is a total-body cardio strength workout. You'll need a mat for floor work and ONE heavy weight. This is mainly a bodyweight workout-you only need the weight for one exercise at the end!

REMEMBER: Form over time! I don't care how long it takes you, make every rep perfect!

Air squats
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Jumping Jax
Easy jog in place
30 seconds each, 2x

Circuit 1:
50 air squats
40 push-ups
30 sec plank
20 dips
10 side lunges EACH SIDE

Circuit 2:
50 mountain climbers
40 reverse lunges EACH SIDE
30 burpees
20 high knees
10 inchworms

Circuit 3:
50 bicycle crunches
40 superman flies
30 jump squats
20 tricep push-ups
10 donkey kicks EACH SIDE

Circuit 4:
50 alternating lunge jumps (25 each side)
40 pliƩ squats to calf raise
30 v-sit in and outs
20 single-leg deadlifts EACH SIDE (use your weight here)
10 clam shell side planks EACH SIDE

Cool down with stretching

Leave a comment if you try it!!

Stay STRONG and Stay FIERCE!

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