Friday, September 12, 2014

Clash for Cash Meet Prep First Weeks

In my previous post, I mentioned that I signed up for my next meet. I will be competing in Gaglione Strength's Clash for Cash on December 6! I can't wait for this meet, I think it'll be really good. Plus it'll be great to have my coach there handling me and all that stuff. I've never had that before, so it'll be interesting to see how its different. I've already started my prep for this meet, even though its far off. The program Gags started me on 2 weeks ago will peak me for the meet, so it's perfect. I kinda messed up a little bit the first 2 weeks and did the wrong workouts, but now I'm back on track and so far feeling great.

I started in week 3 of the program, so last week (week 4) was technically a deload week. Which actually worked out well because I was pretty tired and sore from moving over the weekend. My 3 main lifts were halting conventional deadlift, pause squat, and long-pause bench. Everything went well, but I'm still adjusting to lifting in a new space so I don't actually have any bench videos. And I'm still trying to figure out the best way to rig up something so I can video my squats and deadlifts, so sorry for the bad camera angles on the videos below!

For deadlifts, I only worked up to 145. My back was killing me after the move, so I decided to not kill myself with deadlifts last week. I also did the wrong workout, because I got confused lol OOPS. So I ended up going 5x5 when it was actually supposed to be a deload with 6x3.
I went: 95x5, 125x5, 135x5, 145x5, 125x5 (lifting with bumper plates is AWESOME, btw)
Here is the video of my top set:

As you can see my hand goes right to my back after this set, which I did subconsciously, but halting deadlifts do put more pressure on it. I was sore for a few days after this but nothing crazy.

Squats were 8x2 paused. I was still confused and thought they were supposed to be beltless, so I didn't bring my belt to the gym (that shit gets heavy when you have to walk 25 min, okay?). So I ended up working up to 140lbs, which was as high as I felt comfortable going without a belt. Which is actually I think also the heaviest I've ever gone without a belt. All in all pretty smooth workout. I was feeling weak from not squatting in a week, but once I got back into I was fine.
I went: 105x2, 115x2, 125x2, 135x2, 140x2, 135x2, 125x2, 115x2
Here's the video of the top set:

And bench. This was 9x3 long-pause (5ct) bench. Like I mentioned above, I don't have any videos because I couldn't figure out how to set it up and I was there alone. I'm not comfortable enough in the gym to ask anyone to video me yet....
Sets were: 45x3, 55x3, 60x3, 65x3, 75x3, 65x3, 60x3, 55x3, 45x3
Again, I was alone so I only felt comfortable going up to 75. Hopefully once I get used to this new gym I'll stop being so shy and ask someone for help! I hate doing that though, its so awkward. And also no one knows how to spot correctly...

So this week I jump back into full workouts (not deloads)! See my instagram page (@cahrissay) for videos if you can't wait till next week for my weekly update!

Also I wanted to congratulate the newest 1st Phorm athlete Twayne Russell! Such a great choice and so well-deserved. Check out his video on their facebook page! It's an awesome video, that makes me really proud to be representing them (and makes me want to win even more!) Next winner is announced October 6th! Keep your fingers crossed for me!!

Stay STRONG and Stay FIERCE!

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