Monday, March 31, 2014

Bench and Deadlift 3/27-3/28

So bad at updating this, sorry! Here are last week's bench and dead workouts:

Bench Press
10x45, 8x55, 6x65, 4x75, 2x85, 1x95 (miss)
Pause Bench

3x10 each

Cable Fly
Bentover Row

Lat Pulldown

Lateral Raise

Hammer Curl
Tricep Pulldown

10x95, 8x115, 6x135, 4x145, 2x155, 1x185
Speed Deadlift

Weighted Hip Lift
Back Ext


KB Swing (Light)
Hanging Leg Raises

My back is still feeling a little funky, but at least I was able to get 185 off the ground this time. So this week my lifting schedule is a little messed up because I'm heading to Cortland for the weekend! So I'll be squatting there Friday, hopefully hitting some PRs. I will probably deadlift Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, and bench Thursday like usual. Can't wait for this weekend!! Too bad it's only Monday....

Monday, March 24, 2014

Squat it, Squat it Low

Squat day! Favorite day! Ever since last week I've had it in the back of my mind that I was going to hit a PR today. I would have loved to hit a weight PR, but instead I hit another rep PR. I did attempt 175, but missed it coming up. I was really upset about it, I know I can hit that!! But I'm taking my own advice and focusing on my successes rather than my failures-my rep PR of 155x3.Workout below!!

10x45, 10x75, 8x95, 8x115, 6x125, 4x135, 3x155, 1x175 (miss)
Work sets
5x3x115 pause to a box

Single-Leg Squat
VMO Exercise

Leg Press
6x375, 16x285, 26x195 twice through

Hamstring Curl
8x40, 10x35, 12x30, twice through

TRX Core: Fall-outs, Knee Tucks, Scissors, Jackknife
3x10 each

Below is a video of my 155x3 set and as promised in last week's squat write-up, a video of the VMO exercise I've been doing. Which, by the way, has been helping my knee pain so much!!

Bench and Deadlift, 3/20-3/21

I DIDN'T skip my bench workout this week! Proud of myself. Now I've benched 3 weeks in a row so I should be back on track. I got so mad at myself for always skipping it and it was so hard to get  back into it! I still hate benching though....that's not gonna change 


Bench Press
10x45, 10x50, 8x55, 8x60, 6x65, 4x70, 2x75, 1x85

Cable Fly
Bentover Row

DB Overhead Press
Lat Pulldown

Bicep Hammer Curl
Tricep Pulldown
TRX Biceps
TRX Triceps
TRX Inverted Row

TRX Core Circuit: Fall-outs, Knee Tucks, Scissors, Side-to-Sides
3x10 each

Friday I deadlifted at work with my boss! It was her first full deadlift workout and we had so much fun! She worked up to 105 which was a great start! Here was our entire workout:

10x95, 8x115, 8x125, 6x135, 4x145, 2x155, 1x185 (miss)
Speed Deadlifts
5x2x135, 30 sec rest between

Weighted Hip Lift
Back Extension


KB Swing (I didn't do these)
3x45 sec

My back was not feeling great for this, which is why I skipped the swings. I got stapled on 185 which should be an easy weight for me, but my back just wasn't having it. Not quite sure what's going on, maybe I just had an off week but I did take a week off deads to try to rest my back. I felt strong up until 185. Below is video of my 145 set. I think Friday deadlifts at work are going to be a regular thing and I'm so excited! I love introducing people to deadlifting because it's my favorite lift, and I think Alyssa has the potential to be great at them! Maybe I'll convince her to compete in the future....hmmmmm :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Squats on Squats on Squats

Ok so I seriously slacked on updating this last bad. I only got 2 workouts in last week because I've been battling some cold/flu-like sickness. It actually was ok though, because I was taking the week off deadlifts anyways. This week I'm back in full-swing, although still a little cough-y and sniffle-y. Last week I rep PRed my squat with 145x3.....this week I hit 145x5. Here's my workout from Monday:

Back Squat
45x10, 75x10, 95x8, 125x6, 135x5, 145x5 (rep PR), 155x1
Work Sets
105x3 box squats, 6 times
Front Squat
65x21, 75x21, 75x8
Front Squat 21s are BRUTAL on the quads, especially after a heavy back squat workout! Same idea as bicep 21s: 7 at the bottom of the squat, 7 at the top of the squat (half squats), and 7 full. I could only do it twice then just finished with a set of 8 full front squats.

RFE Split Squats
VMO Exercise
3x12xgreen band
This is a great exercise my friend Mike showed me a few weeks ago. I can't really figure out how to explain it so I'll try to get a video next week!

Hamstring Curl
8x40, 10x35, 12x30 
3 times

15% incline, 1 min @ 3.0 mph, 1 min @ 3.5 mph, for 15 min

I don't have any videos from Monday, so I'll leave you with a video of my 145x3 from last week:
One thing I forgot to mention--my TK knee sleeves came in and I LOVE THEM. I don't know why I didn't invest in these sooner!! Seriously they have changed everything. My knees no longer hurt after every rep, and they help with circulation so my knees actually sweat. I'm so happy I decided to get them!

Thinking about attempting 175 or 185 next week....time to MENTALLY PREPARE!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Fear Factor

How does that Fort Minor song go? "This is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason to remember the name" Well, they were pretty accurate, but lifting is 85% mental for me. (Disclaimer: I know that song isn't about powerlifting. But it relates). One of the biggest things I struggle with is being scared of big weights. When I first started lifting, I never even used 45 plates because they scared me! This is something I am constantly working on. I had an eye-opening experience at one of my meets that really made me realize I had to figure out how to get over mental humps:

This past August, I competed in New Jersey States. It was a USA Powerlifting sanctioned meet.  USAPL uses kg plates, so I usually have no idea what weight I'm lifting (I'm used to plates that are in pounds, and I don't bother doing the math from kg to pounds during a meet). I had a coach there with me calling my attempts, so I didn't even know what he was telling the judges to put on the bar. I had planned on going 185-205-215 for deadlifts. I pulled 185 no problem. When I approached the bar for my second attempt, I thought it was 205. Again, I pulled it easy. After I put the bar down, the announcer said it was 215 pounds. I had already PRed my deadlift without even realizing it. My coach didn't tell me what my third attempt was, and I didn't want to know. I approached the bar for my third attempt feeling confident. As I was setting up, the announcer said something like "And here's Christine Giorgetti, this tiny 112lb girl will be pulling 232!" My heart literally sank. I couldn't pull 232! I looked up at my friends in the front row, who knew exactly what I was thinking. I couldn't do it. And I didn't do it. As soon as I knew the weight, forget it. Had I not known, I'm pretty confident I would have pulled it. 

The moral of the story is, when I don't know my weights, I usually lift better because I'm able to tell myself it's lighter than it actually is. Physically, I was strong enough to pick up 232. Mentally, I wasn't. After that I knew I had to work on my mental strength just as much as my physical strength. I've tried a few different things. I deadlifted blindfolded once. I had my training partner load up the bar without telling me what was going on it. I approached it blindfolded and lifted it no problem. I think the weight was 215 (first time I had hit it in the gym). For my squat, I walk out a new weight, hold it for about 20 seconds, then rack it. This helps me get a feel for the weight, and when I go to actually attempt it, it usually feels lighter. I do the same for bench, just holding a new weight before actually attempting it. I can't really do that for deadlift, and since I train alone now, blindfolded lifting is out. So I'm still trying to figure out mental training exercises for deadlift. 

I also do a lot of self-talk and imagery techniques. I do have to be careful about this, because sometimes I talk it up too much and I end up freaking myself out and missing the weight (lol). I usually just tell myself I can do it and imagine myself doing it before I actually attempt a new weight. I do not listen to music while I lift. I like it to be silent so I can really focus in. When you go to a lot of powerlifting meets, you see people really getting themselves pumped up, blasting music, yelling in each others faces, and I've even seen guys hit each other in the face. Then there's me, usually off in a corner somewhere trying to center myself. I pump myself up only SECONDS before I walk up to the platform. I usually hit ammonia for third attempts, and sometimes seconds. I don't yell, I don't make a lot of noise. And I don't like people screaming at me. I need the yelling when I'm trying to finish my lift-coming back up from a squat, trying to lock out a deadlift. but I don't need it to start. I'd prefer silence but anyone who's ever been to the Ultimate IPA meet in Ithaca knows that's pretty much impossible. So I've learned to adapt and work with it, and tone people out until I really need the encouragement. Everyone has different personal preferences! Figure out what works best for you! Don't let anyone judge you for how you prepare for your lifts.

How do you guys mentally prepare yourselves? Anyone have any good techniques for me to try? I'd love to hear them!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Shoulders and Deadlifts

So everyone knows I hate working my arms....and I was supposed to take this week off squats and deadlifts....but I decided I could only take off one of those days. I didn't squat this week so I figured I would still deadlift. And I did my first shoulder workout in probably 2 months and had NO shoulder pain! It's a miracle and I'm SO happy! Looks like resting and rehabbing definitely helped! Now I just have to make sure I don't overdo it...again.

Shoulders, Wednesday 3/5
DB Military Press
Lat Pulldown

DB Arnold Press

Front Raise
Lateral Raise

TRX Fallouts
Decline Bench Russian Twists

Deadlifts, Thursday 3/6
10x95, 8x115, 5x135, 3x155, 1x185
Speed Deadlifts
2x135, rest 30 sec, repeat 8 times

Weighted Hip Thruster
Bentover Row

Lat Pulldown

Seated Row
Captain's Chair Leg Raises

Hip Adduction

I was having a really off day today. Back was KILLING me during my deadlifts and I have no idea why. I barely got 185 off the was ugly. I'm going to take next week off deadlifting and just do deadlift assistance to try to heal my back up a little bit. 

I'm getting a bit worried that I haven't PRed any of my lifts since October and I'm like 6 weeks out from a meet....if anyone has any advice I'd greatly appreciate it! 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Birthday Bench Press

YEEEEE big 2-4 today! Which means I'll be moving up into the open division for competitions! I am coming after that world record squat......I want it so bad I can taste it!

So first time benching in about 4 weeks, wanted to give my shoulders a little time to heal. I didn't work up very heavy, and I didn't do too much accessory work. Starting slow, don't want to cause another shoulder flare up. I'm getting close to the Ithaca meet and I can't afford another injury or to take any more time off!

Bench Press
12x45, 10x50, 10x55, 8x60, 6x65, 4x70, 2x75

Cable Fly
Bentover Row

Seated Row
Tricep Push-down

Leg Raises
3x1 min

15 min, 15% incline, 3.0mph 1 min/3.5mph 1 min

I've decided I'm the opposite of your typical gym rat meathead. Instead of skipping leg day, I always skip upper body day....

Special Saturday Squats!

So I don't usually squat on Saturdays, but this weekend I went out to Gold's Gym in Marlboro to lift with my friend Mike. We've known each other since high school, but haven't seen each other in about 5 years! So it was really fun to see him AND get a chance to lift with him! (I wasn't into lifting when we met in high school!) This was also good for me  because I was able to get under heavy weight with a spotter I could trust. Although I didn't PR, I still hit numbers that I haven't hit since October. Getting back under heavy weight was something I've been a little scared to do, but now that I've done it I'm feeling much better about it!

45x10, 95x8, 115x4, 125x4, 135x3, 145x2 (rep PR), 165x1 (current max)
attempted 170, but just missed it. Video below.
Work Sets
95 paused, 30 sec rest, 95x3 speed squats
4 times

Single-Leg Squats
Mini-Band Monster Walks
Mini-Band Lateral Walks
Hamstring Curl

I'm going to be taking this week off squatting. I've been working legs a lot recently, and I need to focus on upper body more and get back into benching. Plus I need to give my knee a rest, its been hurting a lot lately (although I'm sure 6 inch heels Saturday night didn't help...)

I know exactly why I missed this. And I know I can do this weight. As I went down and started coming up, I thought to myself, "shit I didn't hit depth". What I SHOULD have been thinking about is pushing through that sticking point to stand up. This was a mental miss and that bothers me SO much. And I obviously hit depth...I actually put that pretty low!