Monday, March 24, 2014

Squat it, Squat it Low

Squat day! Favorite day! Ever since last week I've had it in the back of my mind that I was going to hit a PR today. I would have loved to hit a weight PR, but instead I hit another rep PR. I did attempt 175, but missed it coming up. I was really upset about it, I know I can hit that!! But I'm taking my own advice and focusing on my successes rather than my failures-my rep PR of 155x3.Workout below!!

10x45, 10x75, 8x95, 8x115, 6x125, 4x135, 3x155, 1x175 (miss)
Work sets
5x3x115 pause to a box

Single-Leg Squat
VMO Exercise

Leg Press
6x375, 16x285, 26x195 twice through

Hamstring Curl
8x40, 10x35, 12x30, twice through

TRX Core: Fall-outs, Knee Tucks, Scissors, Jackknife
3x10 each

Below is a video of my 155x3 set and as promised in last week's squat write-up, a video of the VMO exercise I've been doing. Which, by the way, has been helping my knee pain so much!!

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