Monday, March 3, 2014

Special Saturday Squats!

So I don't usually squat on Saturdays, but this weekend I went out to Gold's Gym in Marlboro to lift with my friend Mike. We've known each other since high school, but haven't seen each other in about 5 years! So it was really fun to see him AND get a chance to lift with him! (I wasn't into lifting when we met in high school!) This was also good for me  because I was able to get under heavy weight with a spotter I could trust. Although I didn't PR, I still hit numbers that I haven't hit since October. Getting back under heavy weight was something I've been a little scared to do, but now that I've done it I'm feeling much better about it!

45x10, 95x8, 115x4, 125x4, 135x3, 145x2 (rep PR), 165x1 (current max)
attempted 170, but just missed it. Video below.
Work Sets
95 paused, 30 sec rest, 95x3 speed squats
4 times

Single-Leg Squats
Mini-Band Monster Walks
Mini-Band Lateral Walks
Hamstring Curl

I'm going to be taking this week off squatting. I've been working legs a lot recently, and I need to focus on upper body more and get back into benching. Plus I need to give my knee a rest, its been hurting a lot lately (although I'm sure 6 inch heels Saturday night didn't help...)

I know exactly why I missed this. And I know I can do this weight. As I went down and started coming up, I thought to myself, "shit I didn't hit depth". What I SHOULD have been thinking about is pushing through that sticking point to stand up. This was a mental miss and that bothers me SO much. And I obviously hit depth...I actually put that pretty low!

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