Monday, March 3, 2014

Birthday Bench Press

YEEEEE big 2-4 today! Which means I'll be moving up into the open division for competitions! I am coming after that world record squat......I want it so bad I can taste it!

So first time benching in about 4 weeks, wanted to give my shoulders a little time to heal. I didn't work up very heavy, and I didn't do too much accessory work. Starting slow, don't want to cause another shoulder flare up. I'm getting close to the Ithaca meet and I can't afford another injury or to take any more time off!

Bench Press
12x45, 10x50, 10x55, 8x60, 6x65, 4x70, 2x75

Cable Fly
Bentover Row

Seated Row
Tricep Push-down

Leg Raises
3x1 min

15 min, 15% incline, 3.0mph 1 min/3.5mph 1 min

I've decided I'm the opposite of your typical gym rat meathead. Instead of skipping leg day, I always skip upper body day....

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