Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Squats on Squats on Squats

Ok so I seriously slacked on updating this last bad. I only got 2 workouts in last week because I've been battling some cold/flu-like sickness. It actually was ok though, because I was taking the week off deadlifts anyways. This week I'm back in full-swing, although still a little cough-y and sniffle-y. Last week I rep PRed my squat with 145x3.....this week I hit 145x5. Here's my workout from Monday:

Back Squat
45x10, 75x10, 95x8, 125x6, 135x5, 145x5 (rep PR), 155x1
Work Sets
105x3 box squats, 6 times
Front Squat
65x21, 75x21, 75x8
Front Squat 21s are BRUTAL on the quads, especially after a heavy back squat workout! Same idea as bicep 21s: 7 at the bottom of the squat, 7 at the top of the squat (half squats), and 7 full. I could only do it twice then just finished with a set of 8 full front squats.

RFE Split Squats
VMO Exercise
3x12xgreen band
This is a great exercise my friend Mike showed me a few weeks ago. I can't really figure out how to explain it so I'll try to get a video next week!

Hamstring Curl
8x40, 10x35, 12x30 
3 times

15% incline, 1 min @ 3.0 mph, 1 min @ 3.5 mph, for 15 min

I don't have any videos from Monday, so I'll leave you with a video of my 145x3 from last week:
One thing I forgot to mention--my TK knee sleeves came in and I LOVE THEM. I don't know why I didn't invest in these sooner!! Seriously they have changed everything. My knees no longer hurt after every rep, and they help with circulation so my knees actually sweat. I'm so happy I decided to get them!

Thinking about attempting 175 or 185 next week....time to MENTALLY PREPARE!

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