Friday, May 30, 2014

Paused, Beltless Squats

Yesterday was my squat day and I'm finally back to back squats after a few weeks of front squatting. Today called for paused and beltless squats. I was a little nervous about this because I've never paused anything above 115 and I always put my belt on above 105 because I get nervous about my back. I actually surprised myself a lot with this workout, and ended up pausing 135 for 3! I was super pumped. And my back didn't hurt at all and feels fine today. So I think I'm definitely going to try to use my belt less so I can continue to strengthen my back. Also, I put a band around my waist so I would have something to breathe against, but it doesn't offer any support at a ll like a belt does.

Beltless Pause Squat (3 ct)
95x3, 105x3, 115x3, 125x3, 135x3

Stiff Leg Deads
95x6, 105x6, 115x6, 105x6, 95x6

SB Leg Curl
Side Plank

Circle Side Steps
Dead Bugs

Backwards Sled

Videos of the squats are below. I will be doing my bench workout on Saturday since I'm going to Summer Jam tonight! I'm so excited! Hope everyone has a FAB weekend, check back in on Sunday for my bench workout!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Deadlifts

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend! I had a great time on the Cape. Even though the weather was shitty, we made the most of it and still had a good time. Saturday we went out to Provincetown and walked around for the afternoon. I love Ptown, it's one of my favorite places to go on the Cape! Sunday I spent in Chatham with my cousins and then Monday was my sister's 14th birthday. Can't believe she's already 14 and going to high school next year, its so weird!

Since the weather was pretty terrible on Monday, we ended up leaving the Cape around 4:30. I didn't know if I was going to be able to get my lift in yesterday, but thankfully we only hit a little bit of traffic and were home by 7. I went straight to the gym (which was empty, and I love when that happens), to end my weekend with my deadlift workout! Here it is:

Halting Deadlift:
135x5, 145x5, 135x5

Seated DB Overhead Press
Flexed Arm Hang

Barbell Glute Bridge
95x10, 115x10, 125x10, 135x10
Bottom Up Push-Up

KB Suitcase Hold
The halting deadlifts were pretty rough on my back, but they are meant to be a stressor on the spine, so my coach said everything looked good. I had the normal piercing pain I always get when I deadlift, but today I'm just sore. Sometimes that pain lingers for  few days but I think what I've got right now is just normal soreness. I don't feel like I'm in any more pain than normal, so I guess that's good? I can't wait till I have painless deadlifts.....if that will ever happen!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Bench 5/23

Short and sweet post today-upper body workout, everyone knows how I feel about that. Still floor pressing this week, heading back to the bench next week. Workout was:

Floor Press
warmed up with 45x5, 55x5, 65x3
AMAP 80% of max-75x12

Incline Press
3x5x20 lbs
3x3, green band

3x12, 25 lbs
Front-Side Raise
2x10x8lbs, 1x10x5lbs

Battle Ropes

I was happy with my high rep set of floor presses-didn't think I had that in me but I surprised myself. Here's the video:

So week 2 of my new program is complete. Everything in my body hurts week things start to change up a bit so I'm excited! Halfway through the first month! I'm off to Cape Cod for the long not looking forward to sitting in hours of traffic tonight! Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend! 

Squats 5/22

Squat workout for week 2 of my GS program called for front squats again. I was supposed to go for AMAP at 80% of my 5RM. I don't really know what my 5RM is, but I do know that the last time I max tested my front squat, my 1RM was 125. And that was over a year ago. So I decided to try for AMAP at 120. Ended up hitting it for 3 which was great. From there I did a few downsets then moved through the rest of the workout. Workout was as follows:

Front Squats
5RM, 80% AMAP 120x3
115x5, 115x5

Stiff Leg Deads
95x8, 105x8, 105x8, 95x8

SB Leg Curl
Side Plank

Circle Side Steps
Dead Bugs
3x10 each

Backwards Sled

Video of 120x3:

I actually think I had a couple  more in me, but I could feel my back giving out and I leaned forward a lot in the last one so I stopped at 3. Next week I go back to back squats (yay). Bench workout today then heading to the cape for a much needed long weekend! I can't wait!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Bench and Deadlift

So last Friday was my last day of week 1 of my new training plan. I had a super crazy weekend and didn't have time to blog about it SO it's in here with today's deadlift workout. Day 1 of the second week today had me doing deficit deads in my Olys again. Workout and videos are below:

Sumo deadlift w/ heels-5x5
135x5, 155x5, 165x5, 155x5, 135x5

DB OH Press seated
Flexed arm Hang

Barbell Glute Bridge
Bottoms up push-up

KB suitcase hold

My bench workout on Friday had me doing floor presses instead of actual bench pressing. This was super hard for me to do alone...for this workout at least I think I'm gonna need to find a training partner. It's really tough to get the positioning right in a floor press when you don't have a hand-off, and since I was on my own I couldn't go too heavy or else I wouldn't have been able to set up. Also, I had a wicked migraine for the duration of the workout, but it wazs the only time I could fit it in all weekend, so I had to push through. Wasn't my best work but at least I got it done. Workout and videos below:

Floor bench press
45x5, 45x5, 55x5, 55x5, 55x5

Incline press
15x8, 20x8, 20x8, 20x8
3x5 with 2 green bands

Chest Supported Row
3x8 15lbs
DB front-side raise
3x8 with 8lbs for one set, 5lbs for last 2 sets
Face pull
4x12 35lbs

I was supposed to do 3 sets of battle ropes at the end. Got through about 20 seconds and almost blacked out due to the headache so I decided to just call it quits for the night. Definitely have to hit those this week!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Front Squats?!

So today was my second day of my GS program and it called for....front squats. Not my favorite thing in the world BUT I know they're good for me so I gotta do em! I had 2 main barbell movements today then the rest was bodyweight stuff. Workout is below:

Front Squat
95x5, 95x5, 105x5, 95x5, 95x5

Stiff Leg Deads
95x5, 105x5, 105x5

Ball Hamstring Curls
Side Plank
3x0:35 each side

Circle Side Steps
4x15 each side
Ball Dead Bugs
4x6 each side

"Sled" Backwards Pull
4x each way
for my "sled" I had to strap a TRX band around a 45 plate and drag it....thinking creatively!

My hamstrings are already sore from those stiff leg deads....and my back is a bit lit up from the front squats but I know it will help strengthen that weak spot for me. So far I'm loving this program! Last day of this week tomorrow so stay tuned...

Monday, May 12, 2014

GS Program, Day 1

So I am FINALLY back on track after taking an extra week off due to unexpected circumstances (lots of family stuff going on last week!) And I have some exciting news....I decided that I really would benefit from working with a coach. So...I decided to try online coaching with John Gaglione! I'm super excited about this! Today was my first day of the program and I think it went well! Definitely need to get back in my groove....I'll never take 2 weeks off again!

So I'm now starting my weeks off with deadlifts instead of squats. Definitely a weird change for me since I've been squatting every Monday for the past 2 years! Here's the workout:

Sumo Deadlift in Oly Shoes-Speed
135x3, 135x3, 145x3, 155x3, 155x3, 145x3, 135x3, 135x3
(He has me in my olys so I'm lifting from a very slight deficit)

Seated DB OH Press
15x8, 20x8, 20x8, 15x8
Flexed Arm Hang
0:20, 0:25, 0:30

Barbell Glute Bridge
95x8, 115x8, 125x8
Bottom Up Push-Up
4 sets of 6

KB Suitcase Hold

So....less accessory work than I'm used to doing but it was definitely more challenging. I haven't done that much volume deadlifitng in a long time and I can already feel that I'm going to be sore for the next couple days! I'm excited to see how I progress on this program. Its very different from anything I've ever done and I think I need that. Next day is squats on Thursday! Can't wait! (deadlift videos below)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Recovery Week

Finally heading back to the gym today after a rough recovery week last week. After the meet, I had a lot of back pain due to my max deadlift. I usually only deload and recover for half a week, and go back to the gym the Thursday after a meet, but I couldn't this time. Saturday was the first day I woke up with absolutely no back pain. Then I was also having some issues with my hamstrings....when I say "issues" I mean I strained both of them while teaching a bootcamp class on Thursday. So annoying, but that's what I get for doing nothing all week (exercise-wise) then jumping into teaching and demoing. My legs are still in a lot of pain, so I'm going to start this week with upper body and see how I feel by Thursday. I probably will only bench and squat this week, just to give my back a little more time to make sure its 100% better before I try to deadlift again.

After talking to a lot of people, I've decided that for my next training cycle I'm going to continue doing my 3 main lifts with lighter weight and higher volume, and focus more on assistance work to try to fix all my weak spots. I was going to completely take a break from powerlifting and do a hypertrophy cycle, but after talking to John Gaglione we decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to do that. I need to keep doing the big lifts to keep it in my body, and I really should only be working out 3 times a week because my body is so beat up already. So I'll be doing a lower body day (squat focus), upper body day (bench focus), and total body day (deadlift focus) each week. I'm going to start out by working at 65% of my max. And I'll be doing twice as much assistance as usual. I'll probably do this for 6-8 weeks, but it all depends on when my next meet will be. I'll need 12 weeks to train specifically for a meet, so after I figure that out I'll have a better idea of how long I'll be on this new cycle for.

I've also decided, after having a week to process the competition, that I was way too hard on myself last week. Most people don't PR 2 lifts plus their total in one meet. When I think about how far I've come since October, it's amazing that I did. I had a lot of obstacles that I had to push through, and where some people may have just given up, I never did. I trained completely alone, and I'm so proud of myself for doing that and sticking with it. I may not have PRed by much, or totaled 500, but only 4 months ago I was starting over from the bottom. It just goes to show what hard work and perseverance will get you. I want to thank everyone that has supported me and helped me from afar these past few months, I seriously could not have done it without you all. Now....I'm definitely gonna need to find a training partner because I don't want to train lone wolf style anymore! If I can PR on my own, just think about how far I'll go with someone else by my side! 

In other news, I spent this past weekend in Wareham, MA getting certified as an Intrinsic Biomechanics Specialist. It's a certification that is required by my company, but I'm actually really glad I did it. It's basically an assessment screen that determines if any of the deeper muscles around the pelvis and shoulder are in spasm. There are 8 tests, and each one has a corrective exercise that goes along with it. It's very cool, because it really shows how everything in the body is connected. If you have a problem at the pelvis, it will likely affect the shoulders or the knees and ankles. Correcting the main problem with the corrective exercises will help set everything back to normal. I can't wait to start using this at work in our initial assessments on new members. I also think it makes me a lot more marketable as a fitness professional in general. So excited to add more to my growing arsenal!