Friday, May 23, 2014

Squats 5/22

Squat workout for week 2 of my GS program called for front squats again. I was supposed to go for AMAP at 80% of my 5RM. I don't really know what my 5RM is, but I do know that the last time I max tested my front squat, my 1RM was 125. And that was over a year ago. So I decided to try for AMAP at 120. Ended up hitting it for 3 which was great. From there I did a few downsets then moved through the rest of the workout. Workout was as follows:

Front Squats
5RM, 80% AMAP 120x3
115x5, 115x5

Stiff Leg Deads
95x8, 105x8, 105x8, 95x8

SB Leg Curl
Side Plank

Circle Side Steps
Dead Bugs
3x10 each

Backwards Sled

Video of 120x3:

I actually think I had a couple  more in me, but I could feel my back giving out and I leaned forward a lot in the last one so I stopped at 3. Next week I go back to back squats (yay). Bench workout today then heading to the cape for a much needed long weekend! I can't wait!

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