Friday, May 23, 2014

Bench 5/23

Short and sweet post today-upper body workout, everyone knows how I feel about that. Still floor pressing this week, heading back to the bench next week. Workout was:

Floor Press
warmed up with 45x5, 55x5, 65x3
AMAP 80% of max-75x12

Incline Press
3x5x20 lbs
3x3, green band

3x12, 25 lbs
Front-Side Raise
2x10x8lbs, 1x10x5lbs

Battle Ropes

I was happy with my high rep set of floor presses-didn't think I had that in me but I surprised myself. Here's the video:

So week 2 of my new program is complete. Everything in my body hurts week things start to change up a bit so I'm excited! Halfway through the first month! I'm off to Cape Cod for the long not looking forward to sitting in hours of traffic tonight! Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day Weekend! 

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