Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Deadlifts

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend! I had a great time on the Cape. Even though the weather was shitty, we made the most of it and still had a good time. Saturday we went out to Provincetown and walked around for the afternoon. I love Ptown, it's one of my favorite places to go on the Cape! Sunday I spent in Chatham with my cousins and then Monday was my sister's 14th birthday. Can't believe she's already 14 and going to high school next year, its so weird!

Since the weather was pretty terrible on Monday, we ended up leaving the Cape around 4:30. I didn't know if I was going to be able to get my lift in yesterday, but thankfully we only hit a little bit of traffic and were home by 7. I went straight to the gym (which was empty, and I love when that happens), to end my weekend with my deadlift workout! Here it is:

Halting Deadlift:
135x5, 145x5, 135x5

Seated DB Overhead Press
Flexed Arm Hang

Barbell Glute Bridge
95x10, 115x10, 125x10, 135x10
Bottom Up Push-Up

KB Suitcase Hold
The halting deadlifts were pretty rough on my back, but they are meant to be a stressor on the spine, so my coach said everything looked good. I had the normal piercing pain I always get when I deadlift, but today I'm just sore. Sometimes that pain lingers for  few days but I think what I've got right now is just normal soreness. I don't feel like I'm in any more pain than normal, so I guess that's good? I can't wait till I have painless deadlifts.....if that will ever happen!

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