Monday, May 19, 2014

Bench and Deadlift

So last Friday was my last day of week 1 of my new training plan. I had a super crazy weekend and didn't have time to blog about it SO it's in here with today's deadlift workout. Day 1 of the second week today had me doing deficit deads in my Olys again. Workout and videos are below:

Sumo deadlift w/ heels-5x5
135x5, 155x5, 165x5, 155x5, 135x5

DB OH Press seated
Flexed arm Hang

Barbell Glute Bridge
Bottoms up push-up

KB suitcase hold

My bench workout on Friday had me doing floor presses instead of actual bench pressing. This was super hard for me to do alone...for this workout at least I think I'm gonna need to find a training partner. It's really tough to get the positioning right in a floor press when you don't have a hand-off, and since I was on my own I couldn't go too heavy or else I wouldn't have been able to set up. Also, I had a wicked migraine for the duration of the workout, but it wazs the only time I could fit it in all weekend, so I had to push through. Wasn't my best work but at least I got it done. Workout and videos below:

Floor bench press
45x5, 45x5, 55x5, 55x5, 55x5

Incline press
15x8, 20x8, 20x8, 20x8
3x5 with 2 green bands

Chest Supported Row
3x8 15lbs
DB front-side raise
3x8 with 8lbs for one set, 5lbs for last 2 sets
Face pull
4x12 35lbs

I was supposed to do 3 sets of battle ropes at the end. Got through about 20 seconds and almost blacked out due to the headache so I decided to just call it quits for the night. Definitely have to hit those this week!

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